Get to and from Koh Mak

Travel options by plane, bus, private car and minibus

Private Shuttle

Private car or minibus

You can hire a private car or minibus in Bangkok (airport, hotel, private accommodation) for ~ 4500 THB for a car or ~ 5000 THB for a minibus with driver. We offer private car transfers reservations, contact us for more information.

As a reminder the last speedboat to Koh Mak will depart at 4:00 pm. For a comfortable and smooth ride we recommend to depart not later than 10:30 am from Bangkok.

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Bangkok Airways

The nearest airport to Koh Mak Island is on the mainland in Trat. The only airline flying from Bangkok to Trat is Bangkok Airways. We can arrange flights reservations for you and cheaper private car transfers between Trat airport and the pier.

Contact us


From Ekamai Station in Bangkok (BTS Ekamai)
Departure from Bangkok to Laem Ngop Pier: 07.45
Departure from Laem Ngop Pier to Bangkok: 12.30, 14.00, 15.00

From Suvarnabhumi Airport Bus Terminal
Departure to Laem Ngop Pier: 08.15
Departure to Trat : 6.40, 10.10, 11.40, 13.10, 16.10, 18.10 (take taxi from Trat to the pier)

For more information call +66 2 872 1777 or by Line ID @ bus.999