Points of interest

Journey through Koh Mak: exploring its hidden treasures

Koh Kham

Koh Kham is made of volcanic rock, which is rare in the area. It has huge lava rocks along the shore, creating a dramatic contrast with the white sand. The white sand on Koh Kham is not natural, but imported from another country, possibly Vietnam.
Koh Kham has an unfinished and abandoned resort project, with dozens of luxury villas and glamping tents. The construction stopped for unknown reasons and only a few workers remain on the island. 
Koh Kham is a private island, and visitors have to pay 200 baht per person to enter. They can exchange the ticket for a drink at a small beach shack. 
Koh Kham has clear seawater and coral reefs on the eastern side, which are ideal for snorkeling and diving. 
To get to Koh Kham you have two options: 
1. you can rent a kayak at Koh Mak Resort. The crossing takes about 30 minutes.
2. you can use the boat shuttle service for 150 THB per person.

Koh Mak - Walking Street

Established in the 1990s to encourage locals to showcase their goods and cater to visitors. Aims to provide an atmospheric cultural experience in a pedestrian-friendly space.

Stretching a few hundred meters through the heart of Koh Mak Town. Lined with stalls selling Thai crafts, souvenirs, clothing and local foods. Vibrant atmosphere with live musicians entertaining ambling crowds. Colorful decorative lighting overhead in the trees after sunset.

Great for mingling with locals and tapping into the laidback island lifestyle. Families, couples and travelers enjoy browsing wares and fresh eats.

Cape Kradun

Cape Kradun translates to "Cape Hermit Crab" in Thai. Legend has it the cape was named after fishermen noticed an abundance of hermit crabs in the area long ago.

A scenic rocky cape located on the southeast coast of Koh Mak. Features steep limestone cliffs dropping into turquoise waters below. Diverse marine life visible through the clear waters such as colorful reef fish. Picturesque beaches on either side of the cape with sandy bars visible at low tide.

- Moderately busy during daytimes with visitors hiking trails along the cliffs.
- More secluded atmosphere in early mornings and evenings for sunrise/sunset viewing.
- Offers beautiful views of neighboring islands and ocean vistas.
- Popular spot for photography and taking in Koh Mak's striking coastal scenery.

Cape Tukata

Laem Tukata translates to Cape Tukata in Thai. Laem means cape or headland. As a coastal landscape, it has long provided beautiful scenic views for enjoying the local scenery and surroundings.

A scenic cape located on the northeast coast of Koh Mak island. Rocky cliff edges and coastal shoreline offering panoramic ocean vistas. Turquoise waters and small sandy coves interspersed with lush vegetation.

A peaceful and secluded area to take in the natural beauty of Koh Mak, with few visitors. Appropriate for solitary contemplation, sunrise viewing and wildlife spotting like colorful sea birds. Access is via a dirt coastal road leading to vantage points along the cape's edges.

Provides an escape from busier tourist sites while appreciating Koh Mak's unspoiled natural scenery.

Wat Samakeetham

Founded in 1979, Wat Samakeetham is one of the oldest temples on Koh Mak, playing an integral role in the island's community. Its name translates to "Temple of Togetherness" in Thai, reflecting the spirit of unity and harmony it aims to fosters amongst residents and visitors.

Situated in a quiet area of Koh Mak Town, amidst lush gardens and towering coconut trees providing shade. Walk through the tall wrought iron gates to enter the temple grounds.

The main prayer hall features ornate gables decorated with glass mosaics. Inside are burnished gold Buddha statues, antique wood carvings, and fragrant floral offerings.

Meditation areas and pavilions dotted around allow for peaceful contemplation among the landscaped greenery. Intricately designed murals depict scenes from Buddhist scripture on an outdoor walkway linking various buildings. Locals often come to pray, monks provide moral lessons to young novitiates, and visitors can learn about daily rituals and island culture.

Evenings see candles illuminated and calming chants emanating, perfect for self-reflection while taking in the tropical scenery. Wat Samakeetham continues to play a vibrant role at the heart of Koh Mak's community after over 40 years.

Ko Magic Art Garden

Somchai is an artist who chose to express his creativity through a series of erotic sculptures and installations on Koh Mak. 

His work at this attraction is characterized by its playful and humorous take on human sexuality and affection. Somchai’s art is considered unconventional and provocative, positioned within the context of Thailand's contemporary art scene, which often intertwines traditional Thai elements with modern expressions and commentary on society. His open-air gallery on Koh Mak has become an intriguing point of interest for visitors, providing a contrast to the island's otherwise tranquil and natural environment.

The former "The Kingdom of Somchai’s Affection" refers to a quirky and unique attraction located on Koh Mak. This place is known for its collection of erotic sculptures and art pieces. His artwork is quite distinctive and has a theme centered around human affection and sexuality.

This unusual open-air exhibit is often considered an offbeat and unconventional attraction, as it's not the typical sightseeing spot you'd find in a tourist brochure. It's a reflection of the artist's personal interests and sense of humor, and it's meant to be both thought-provoking and humorous.

Visitors to "Ko Magic Art Garden" should be aware that the content is adult-oriented, and it might not be suitable for all audiences. However, for those interested in something different and less conventional than the usual beaches and island activities, it offers a unique cultural experience.

After Somchi passed away in 2023, a group of art enthusiasts have now leased the area to carry on his legacy

Animal Clinic Koh Mak

The Koh Mak Animal Clinic (KMAC) is a small non-profit organization located on the island of Koh Mak, Thailand. It provides free-of-charge medical care for the dogs and cats of Koh Mak. The clinic relies entirely on donations and volunteers. Its primary goal is population control through sterilization, vaccination, and education.

The idea for the clinic came about when Kevin and Misti Horton vacationed on the island of Koh Mak. They noticed the island had many homeless and starving animals. This led them to the idea of constructing a veterinary clinic. The Koh Mak Animal Care Center was set to open at the end of 2016. However, a large surprise donation received in August enabled Kevin to cover the cost of finishing the building and getting the clinic ready ahead of time.

Today, the clinic continues to provide essential services to the animals of Koh Mak. It offers foster care to juvenile strays and provides age-appropriate medical care and socialization prior to adoption in Thailand. The clinic also has adult fosters awaiting international adoption opportunities.

Ta-Lay Viewpoint

The name "Ta-Lay" translates to "sea" in Thai, fitting for its coastal location and views. It has been a long-standing and popular destination for visitors to relax with drinks and enjoy sunsets over the panoramic scenery.

If you're searching for a beautiful viewpoint to relax and take in the scenic splendour of Koh Mak island, Ta-Lay Time should be top of your list. Perched above the coast, this beachside bar and restaurant treats visitors to a truly picturesque panorama.

The moment you step onto the wooden deck, you'll understand why it's such a popular spot. Crystal clear waters stretch out as far as the eye can see, dotted with distant limestone islands bathed in the golden glow of sunset. A soothing sea breeze drifts by as seabirds glide overhead. It's the perfect place to unwind with a chilled cocktail in hand.

Added to the dreamy location is the charming laidback atmosphere. Low lighting and cushy seating encourage lingering while admiring the constantly changing watercolors in the sky. Staff are friendly too, happy to offer dining suggestions showcasing local seafood fresh off the boat.

When it's time for some beautiful memories, simply point your camera toward the postcard-perfect view. You'll want to capture the shimmering sea meeting the rosy horizon, boat silhouettes zigzagging between islets, even bioluminescent waves rolling onto the shore under starry nights.

To experience the natural magic of Koh Mak from the best vantage point, be sure to stop by Ta-Lay Time. Watch the scenery transform before your eyes as you soak up the serenity - it may just become your favorite spot on the island!

Cinnamon Walk

Today, the boardwalk survives as a popular public walking trail, maintained by regular repair works. Stepping onto the aged planks, one instantly feels immersed within the serene rainforest setting. Vivid green leaves brush the rails on both sides, while tropical birds flit between branches overhead.

The soothing sounds of the jungle replace the normal day-to-day hustle. As you stroll along the gentle curving path, keeping an eye out for glimpses of the azure ocean in the distance, you may spot vibrant flowers, colorful fungi, or tiny frogs hiding amongst the decaying leaf litter.

The Cinnamon Walk invites exploration of Koh Mak Island's lush interior from a tranquil elevated perspective, a peaceful respite from the outside world. Through discovering the indigenous flora and fauna up close, one can't help but feel inspired by this display of natural beauty.

The Coral Club

The terrace of The Coral Club invites you to enjoy fantastic sunsets every evening. The gastronomic offer ranges from soft drinks to cocktails and pizza.

The team is looking forward to enjoying the sunset with you. The Coral Gardeners have been based on Koh Mak since 2023 and are committed to the reforestation of the corals around Koh Mak & Koh Kood.

We are happy to give you more information in our store directly at The Coral Club or have a look at our infotainment wall.

History & Meaning:

The former Banana Sunset was completely redesigned in 2023 and reopened under the name The Coral Club. In addition to the gastronomic offerings, the redesigned area now also houses a co-working space, pickleball court, and the headquarters of the Coral Gardeners.